Autograss Racing is probably Britain's most popular club level motor
sport. There are currently over 50 clubs organising race meetings
throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Northern and Southern
Ireland under the rules of the National Autograss Sport Association
(NASA) and there are over 4,000 active drivers licensed by NASA.
This total is believed to be higher than the number of drivers
involved in either Circuit Racing, Rallying or Short Circuit Racing.
Autograss Review is the only
publication offering regular coverage all aspects of the National
Autograss scene and is read by the majority of drivers, car
constructors and club officials active in the sport.
magazine is published 10 times per year (monthly during the racing
season of March/April - December, plus a New Year issue). It is
produced in A5 format, black-and-white only, with a cover price of
Distribution is by direct
subscription or through NASA Autograss clubs and sales at race
meetings. Press deadlines are the first Monday of each month
preceding cover date.
Rates per issue: Trade Advertisers
Rear cover (subject to availability) £70.00
Full page (excluding back cover) £60.00
Half page £40.00
Quarter or sixth page display £25.00
NASA Club rates
Rear cover (subject to availability) £60.00
Full page (excluding back cover) £50.00
Half page £35.00
Quarter or sixth page display £20.00
Discounts available:
(Full or half page advertisements - per issue)
Regular advertising (minimum of 6 issues per
year) -£5.00
Prepayment (cheque with order) -£5.00
Special rates may be negotiated for a full season's advertising,
paid in advance. For further details, please contact Jeffrey Parish
at the address below.
Private classified adverts are free to magazine
subscribers, or may be printed in semi-display format, or
accompanied by a photo, for a charge of £5.00 (to be paid when
submitting the advert, please). We prefer adverts to be submitted by
e-mail or post; by fax if necessary, but please NOT by phone.
Advertising on this website can also be arranged on
flexible terms. Please visit our links page for more details.
46 Brookside, Alconbury,
Huntingdonshire, PE28 0AX
Phone 01480 896628